Community Relations
Sometimes you need to reach a lot of people in a particular location. You need to make sure the community knows who you are and what you’re doing so there are no misunderstandings, complications or misguided opposition. We can help.Getting “The People” on your side
We identify your existing supporters and allies. We recruit, educate, and mobilize them to articulate and argue your cause, impressing and ultimately influencing opinion leaders and decision makers.
Issue Advocacy
We work with advocacy groups to advance and manage the attention of elected officials, media outlets and the voters on critical issues. We understand the importance of the Court of Public Opinion.Getting Your Voices Heard
We provide a strategic plan, media relations and outreach including social networking, media training for advocates and writing services, we aim not only to make people listen, but to direct the conversation. Because ultimately, it’s about results: changing the debate to influence legislation and effect social change.
Public Policy
If your organization’s fate is in the hands of local and state government, we’re prepared to protect your interests and advance your goals. We understand how public policies and government decision-making pose challenges and opportunities for your organization.Engaging “The People’s Representatives”
We provide creative and intelligent policy solutions that may include drafting proposed legislation while securing the right legislator(s) to sponsor your bill. At minimum, tracking legislation and proposed rule changes that directly impacts your organization is essential.

Mona Davids is an activist who gets it done. Her ability to communicate a message and bring people together separate her from most. It is easy to support a cause. It is far different to strike fear into the hearts of those who oppose your cause and inspire those who share it. Mona Davids was essential in the establishment of our charter school in Harlem and the residual impact of her work helped us to get another charter school approved in the Bronx.

When I was President and Political Director, for Metallic Lathers Local 46 in New York City, Mona Davids was my go-to person to get a website or communications project done. I could always depend on her to be expeditious; regarding the turn-around time to complete a project. She always worked fast, efficiently, and with the utmost standard of excellence.
When I wanted professional, top-notch work done, Mona could always be trusted to produce on that level; with great attention to detail.
I would highly recommend Mona Davids. Her commitment to professionalism and integrity is second-to-none.

When I was the Political and Legislative Director of the Transport Workers Union and created Transit Forward the only advocacy organization made of Transit Riders and Workers, Mona Davids was the key person in bringing all parties together and created our communications.
Mona created the logo, branding, and website for the campaign. She managed the campaign’s social media accounts and engaged the media to publicize our campaign and increase awareness of the transportation service cuts and safety issues for our members. She worked closely with my team attending meetings with our coalition of community-based organizations, elected officials, transit advocates and residents throughout the five boroughs to mobilize support to reverse MTA service cuts to communities throughout the city.